Monday, March 19, 2007

Gorgeous Morning

It's dark and cloudy this morning.  So wonderful.  Such a great way for me to start my day.  This weekend was relatively uneventful but not too bad.  I studied extremely hard and I actually feel confident going into the exam tomorrow.  I was studying these little guys...

Today should be fairly quiet.  My big meetings are tomorrow so I have to prepare for those... But other than that.. no big news to report.  Here are some things to keep you entertained for all of 5 minutes...

And I thought my hair took forever to straighten... Check out this "style"...

Hmm.. how to punish this guy... castration?  Stick him in a jail cell with a horny guy named Big Jim?  How about both?  Musher decides it's good to beat a tired dog

I thought it was funny at least... Carol Burnett sues Family Guy.

Amid my studying... I took a little "me" time and watched a few movies.  Love Actually was one of them.  Have a good one!  Back tomorrow. 

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