Monday, December 25, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
New Year's Resolutions
This will most likely be one of my last posts before the New Year. So what better way than to list things I should be doing all along but don't until now. Enjoy!
Get a haircut but nothing more than an inch. (Hey! Gotta start out small!)
Thoroughly clean out my car - while not messy.. it is not spotless.
Explore my new neighborhood more. I still don't know what is up the hill after I turn left to go to my house.
Let go of this past year. I think I have already done this one but just to make sure.
Take a vacation that does not include visiting people. I usually do this but this year I have not.
Get started on finishing my degree... Class starts on January 9th... so I am looking good for this one.
I just signed my townhouse agreement for 1 year. I think it's time that I get a little more settled in to the place. More pictures on the walls, etc.
Trust people just a little bit more... while being cautious with my heart. (Finish out with almost the impossible.)
Hmm... Eight.... that looks good enough. Anyway... one last thing to make you laugh... My favorite part is where they are standing, facing each other making the boxes bounce. LOL! Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
I Love Geeks Thursday
Yeah.. I have no idea why I titled my post this but it's giving me ideas. Since I won't find out about my interview until after the New Year... I have to come up with something else.. I think I might take the last week of the year off from posting.. so tomorrow will be my last post of the year. Anyway, today is going extremely slow. Here are some things to keep you and partially me entertained.
This video is old and I am sure many of you have seen it but I still find it funny. I don't know what it is.... Those crazy Swedes! He is far too pretty to be a guy but just the fact that he made up a song with "DotA" and Ventrilo.. /clap
This is the new video from Fallout Boy "This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race". I got introduced to them by my ex-friend Evan sometime last year before they got really trendy. I still like them for their dorky-ness factor. Plus, Pete Wentz's self-indulgent Emo goodness... all 5 feet.. one.. well.. all 5 feet of him.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
*Frustrated Scream*
SO! This morning before I was taken out to lunch... I decided to write the recruiter in charge of my position. This was her exact response:
Glady's team will have their decision when we come back from the shutdown and I will call you either way.
Happy Holidays!!!"
Ugh. Shoot me. Well.. At least the rest of the week I won't be looking for an email. I don't know. I'm trying to find some good in it. I just wish I knew already. If I didn't get it.. I didn't get it! No big deal... I just would like to know.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Christmas Spirit
I have yet to hear on my job... I am practically climbing the walls to find out. Maybe I didn't get it.. to go through all that and not get it will be rough but.. oh well. Anyway! It's time to get in the Christmas spirit people. I don't care if you're not ready. It's Christmas damnit and you're gonna like it! I'll start off with my favorite Christmas song.. Carol of the Bells.
Next up is an animated video by Harry Connick Jr. called the Happy Elf. I love his music... he is like a modern day Frank Sinatra.
One of my favorite cheesy movies is Love Actually. Most of the movie is centered around Christmas. The little kid is so cute~
I'll end with a classic... Bing Crosby's White Christmas.
Monday, December 18, 2006
I Was Right. (An Emo Post)
That I would be fine tomorrow and I am. Last night was almost theraputic in a way. I could let it go... and be happy that I am letting it go. I would have done anything for that man. One intelligent conversation could have helped it. But it didn't happen. I am accepting that I got fucked over. It was half my fault. But the place that I landed after falling away from him was so much better than before I met him. He could say fuck all about it afterwards... blame me... not care anymore... he probably moved on after a week of me being gone... rip at the scar he is creating to protect himself from his real feelings... but I left him. I got out. I changed my life again. And now it's time to let it go.
"I wanna heal... I wanna feel... what I thought was never real..."
Good Monday
Today is going well.. steadily busy.. no news on my interviews. Christmas is one week away. I am still not getting my hopes up for this job... but... god I wish I could land it. Anyway... I don't have much else to say seeing as I posted twice on the weekend.. which I never do. Here is something to make you laugh...
And for those who did not see it... Here is the clip of my mom's husband Erik almost blowing up Johnny Knoxville. He is the guy on the left of the rocket in the black shirt and hat.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Down And Sorry For Not Posting
I got extremely busy on Friday and I wasn't able to post. I had my final interview with a lady from the group I would be joining. She was very nice and just explained to me how the group was structured. I think I might hear something next week... I still think I have a good shot and I am trying so hard to not get my hopes up.
It rained a little today... which would normally make me happy but for some reason I just wasn't. Stressing out over things and questioning everything... I am sure it is nothing and I will be fine tomorrow. For a bit I felt how I was in Florida... not myself... sad... hopeless. But I got out of that... It was my "Escape from Alcatraz"-like flight from Florida. Leaving really early in the morning... driving north from Orlando... almost as fast I could.. outrunning my sadness. The car was filled to the brim with my stuff... but it felt very empty. Who was going to love me again... Who would take me in after this spectacle... Who could I trust again... I trusted Kody and it got me nowhere. I am sure to this day he still blames everything on me. I heard from a few people that he thought I cheated on him... which is beyond absurd. I took care of him... I would stay up later than I probably should have just to make him dinner when he got home from work at 1am. I cleaned his apartment from ceiling to floor. I would listen to him and his opinions. I would have done anything for him. He never lifted a finger when I came to live with him... and that was fine with me.. I like that role. I would have done anything to make him happy. A month or so after I got back, him and I started talking on WoW. He wanted to mull over what happened and what went wrong. In the end, we didn't agree completely... but we did settle on one fact. If we had both looked up and into each others eyes.... hmm... If he had looked up and saw that I just needed him to hold me because I had just left my life behind for him. If I had looked up and saw that I needed let go whatever I was holding onto and trust him... maybe things would be different now. We both made mistakes... Four months later I am ready to let it go. It's like a big deep breath is being released from me.
I can't wait for the New Year. Hmm.. maybe that's it. I really just want this year to be over with. I have grown so much and now I know what I want and don't want. I'll just shut up and be thankful.
Emo is pretty bad but Christian Emo is worse. I still love this song.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Religion Is Fucked Up.
This is a guy with Kirk Cameron describing God's wonders in creation........... in the creation of a banana... WHAT THE FUCK.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
The Long, Long Process
So I thought I was at the end of the interview process... turns out.. NOPE! I received an email from the hiring manager letting me know that they would like me to meet with one more person. /sigh I guess this means I am still in the game... Anyway, it's Thursday and it is possibly going to rain this weekend. I am going to try to finish up my Christmas shopping and prepare for the next couple of weeks. Time off soon... yay...
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
My Love For...
Ansel Adams

I have always loved black and white photography. I like simple things. Ansel Adams photographed in a style called "straight photography". In this style the emphasis is not on the development of the film in a lab but the clarity of the lens used. This produced sharp, simple images that showed depth. He is the creator of the "Zone System" which helped photographers to control exposure and development in order to bring to life the visual they wanted to achieve. Below is an example of the Zone System.

Ansel was also an active environmentalist. He fought for parks around his hometown of San Francisco, including Yosemite National Park and the Big Sur coastline. His images were used to promote conservationism and by the Sierra Club and the Wilderness Society.
I fell in love with Ansel Adams when I was younger but only came to appreciate his work when I visited Boston last year. My friend Kelly and I ran through the rain after getting off the subway to the Museum of Fine Arts. We waited about an hour (behind a hot guy but still..) just to get into the museum. It was well worth it considering it happened to be the weekend of an Ansel Adams exhibit.
My favorite photograph is actually of him. He is standing on top of a Woodie in Yosemite National Park. I apologize for the quality of this picture... ironic that I am talking about photography and yet the picture I took is awful.
Slow News Day...
No job news... No good news... No news. Meh. Very busy at work. Preparing for the end of the year. I have a break in my day.. and my boss is forcing me to go to lunch so I might as well post... Something to laugh at.. Matt Damon doing an impression of Matthew McConaughey.
This is a guy playing Counter Strike: Source using the Wii Remote... uhm.. wierd.... He sucks but.. I think I would suck too if I had to use that. (Shut up Ian - I know I suck anyway).
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Don't Worry - I Am Still Breathing
This morning I woke up really early and it was the feeling similar to Christmas morning - which is ironic as Christmas is right around the corner. I feel like I at least have a good shot at this job... and it would make the closing of this year so much better. More security... more money... more of everything. I would enjoy working with Global Clinical Development mainly because it would be interesting work. I can do networks and servers and infrastructure. Even though it is a global operation, it still gets to be mundane. Anyway, I will drink to hope.
I <3 Emo Kids. Well, sort of. I certainly love this song... it's performed by AFI whose lead singer wears more eye makeup than I ever have. And I was in dance companies with elaborate costume makeup......
Show me, show me, show me how you do that trick.. the one that makes me scream she said... the one that makes me laugh she said and threw her arms around my neck...
Monday, December 11, 2006
Brittany - Undefeated Champion Of The World
So today I get up and I'm like.. "hmm.. I feel like wearing my new outfit." This consists of a brown knee length skirt, a brownish beige striped dress shirt that is a tad on the sheer silky side and a cream colored tank top underneath it with, of course, my brown strapy heels. WELL. Thankfully I thought to dress nice because I came into work and started looking at my email...... I made it to the second round of interviews. (!!!!!) <-- That's me freaking out. This afternoon I meet the team's boss' boss. I can't believe it! This should be the last round of interviews... I am going to ask the hiring manager today. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
*Holds Breath And Turns Blue*
I just received a call from someone I used to work for. Apparently there is a company that is checking my background and facts from my resume. And also apparently... this is one of the last steps before they send out an offer.
Friday, December 8, 2006
Damn Cold Night
I've got nothing. Friday. Yay. Payday. Yay. Tonight - bunch of cleaning and sorting. Tomorrow - Rain (eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!) and some shopping. Sunday - More rain (the heavens willing..) and pedicures with mom. As always... I am out for the weekend.. See YA'LL on Monday. Until then.. enjoy one of Canada's better exports.....
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Got To Laugh
For some reason I woke up this morning at 5:30am and couldn't get back to sleep. Possibly nervous about my interviews today but I don't know. It's going to be relatively easy. My boss is visiting a vendor in LA (he wanted me to go with him but I found some excuse seeing as I didn't want to start my drive down to LA at 6am and then sit in traffic until 7pm). I have two interviews, 1 at noon and the other at 2pm. Should pass with flying colors. But I am still nervous.
Here is a treat for my football-loving friends. Yes, it disparages my team... but it's one of my favorite Simpsons episodes. You get to see them in their old uniforms too. Anyway... GO BRONCOS!
Finished Again
My interviews are done. I think I have at least a good shot at it. At least I am getting more and more comfortable during the interviews. They praise me more than interview.. which is wierd... I dunno.... I hear things like you have an amazing skill set... you have a great background... you're versed in many areas... etc. Well does that mean I am right for the job? I don't know.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006
No, It's Not Called Rubber Duckie.
Today is going better. Aside from the fact that I grabbed the wrong set of heels *sad face*.... I got some sleep last night and was able to get up on time to dress for my interview. It's at 1:30pm today with one of the Executive Directors of Global Development. I am getting a bit nervous... it's a one on one interview... Hmm.. anyway... I have some research to do.. Until I return.. enjoy this cute random video.. Kiwi!
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Here It Goes Again...
Not a very good mood right now. I am not sure why. Still can't sleep much... and the pain is making me irritable... The pain killers I have only make me sleepy but its not a restful sleep... In two and a half weeks I will have one full week off plus New Years day. Fun stuff. Oh, and it's patch day. So yay broken mods and high server queues!!
This video always makes me cheery. Maybe it's my love for dorks or maybe it's because they choreographed a routine on treadmills..............
Monday, December 4, 2006
Wishy Washy
My asthma is in full force today and I am slowly suffocating. Click here to see why. Moorpark is about 5 minutes from where I live and the fire is expected to come my way. Fun Fun! This morning was so great let me tell you... I carry my heels and purse downstairs to the garage and I think.. Oh I forgot my glasses.... so I set my stuff down and run back upstairs. On my way back out to the car I pick up my purse but I LEAVE MY HEELS...... and proceed to drive all the way to work.. park in my parking space and go to get out of the car barefoot. This is when I realize what I have done. Twenty minutes later I arrive back at work.... what a damn day...
This weekend was... non-eventful... wait.. I think.. yeah non-eventful. My warlock got to 60 and I passed the 400g mark (extremely big deal). I am trying to rest and get better as much as possible. But even last night I had a pain in my throat that was enough to make tears come to my eyes. The week ahead is an interesting one... I have interviews set up for Wednesday and Thursday. School registration on Friday... and some doctor appointments. I feel like Brian today.....
I feel like THIS....
Passed Out Giggling - I Love Babies
Seriously... I had to shut my door because I was laughing so hard.
Friday, December 1, 2006
Christmas Wish List
I am very tired and seem to be sick this morning. Just finishing up a couple things at work and then I should be heading home or to the doctor. Thankfully it's Friday and I've got a few days to rest.
As it is now December 1st... what I consider the start of the holiday season... Here is my Christmas Wish List.. Santa if you're reading this.. I don't deserve any of it. Coal will be fine.
Canon Powershot 6.0-Megapixel S3 IS Digital Camera - I have mentioned this before... It's number one on my list but I think I am just going to buy it for myself.
Anything that includes Rubber Duckies: Bathing Beauty Spa Kit or Polar Fleece Ruffle Side PJ Pants in Ducks with White Trim - I like only certain kinds of Rubber Duckies... I am very picky.
All Expenses Paid Trip to Boston - Yeah.. I know.. I am just dreaming...
Stemless Red Wine Glasses or Williams All-Purpose Balloon Wineglasses - I have tons of martini glasses but only a couple glasses for wine. I don't drink that much but every once and awhile I will have a glass of red wine.
Anything from USB Mini Desktop Aquarium or Aggro Tee or The Goldfarmer Tee - Okay so I am a bit of a geek. Granted I don't know A LOT about WoW... and I've never seen the Star Wars movies... I am still a geek. A geek that is very girly and dresses really nice. Most of the time.
Interestingly enough... I've already done my shopping for everyone... Just have to wrap everything in brown postal paper and tie them up with fabric ribbon! Let the holiday season begin!