Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My Apologies...

So this month has been the month where I don't post a lot.  Honestly, my brain has just checked out.  I am mentally and physically exhausted from life.  My life is wonderful but parts can be just exhausting.  It has been almost two years since I have had a vacation.  A true vacation where I actually have a job and are getting paid while I am off.  Yes, there was a portion of time last year when I wasn't working... But that's soooooo not a vacation.  That's called worrying if you're going to be able to provide for yourself.  The funny thing is... I am not really looking forward to the sleeping in or anything relaxing like that... I just want to be home or shopping or something that doesn't involve work.  Plus, this is a company shutdown week... so that means when I return from this vacation... I won't have a billion emails or messages waiting for me.  It is literally a guilt free vacation.

It's probably because I feel sick but I just think I am ready for time off.  I am ready for June.. hell.. I am ready for this summer to be over.  I have a feeling that the fall is going to be just awesome. 

Anyway, I doubt I will post again this month or the first week of July.  SO... have fun, enjoy the summer, be safe, be kind, etc etc.  /kisses

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