I rarely get upset when something is wrong on the internet. There are some people who refuse to let it go. They can't look the other way.. they must make their opinion known. I am definitely not one of those people. So, when I came across a paragraph on NintendoWifi.com I was more than happy to just ignore it.
Here is the jist of what happened. Ian and I have been looking for games to play on DS; specifically games that we can play together online. We went to the site to see exactly which ones have that capability. On the site, it lists Mario & Sonic - At the Olympic Games
. This is the what the paragraph said:
What Can You Do Online? Dash, smash, fence and flip your way to victory! Aim for the gold as you compete against up to three other players online. Compete as your favorite characters and choose from eight olympic-style events.
The second sentence is really what drove home the point that, yes, you can play online with up to three other players. We got really excited and planned to go get the game right away. Turns out... online play is not possible. Apparently, the only thing you can really do is post your scores online and see how you measure. Yeah, lame. I don't know why exactly but it pissed me off. So I wrote Nintendo... and I got this little jewel of a response sent to me:
I can appreciate your concerns regarding Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. However, that game was developed and published by Sega, which means they will be best suited to provide the help you require. To get their contact information, go to the following web address and click on the company name: http://www.nintendo.com/corp/licensees.jsp
Ooooh I couldn't let this one go. You have something so blatantly wrong on your site and you tell me to go talk to Sega about it???? OH HELL NO. I wrote again. Here is the next awesome response I got:
I can understand your frustration and after a little more research I think I see where the confusion comes from. On the game information on www.nintendo.com, I found the following statement: Single Match, Circuit, and Mission modes; unlockable stages; up to 4 players via wireless connection The key word, of course, is wireless. Wireless connection is a system-to-system, multiple players in the same room connection where a Wi-Fi connection means going online to play other players all over the world. We have been very consistent about this difference in wording since Nintendo DS first went online as the DS uses a wireless connection to play multiplayer without going online. I'm sorry if you felt misled, but the information is an accurate description of the game's functions.
Thanks for that one genius but I stated MANY times in my emails that it was not Nintendo.com I had an issue with... It was NintendoWifi.com; a site that you go to, to find out which games have online functionality. So, not wanting to let it go like so many before me, I wrote again... and finally I got this unexpected response:
Hello Brittany,
I am sorry to hear of your disappointment with this game. I would like to look into your concerns further. Please reply to this message with your phone number and a convenient time to call you.
Well... pfft.. that's more like it! Surprise, surprise... the very next day I had a phone call from Bruce Riedl at Nintendo of America Inc. He told me the one thing I wanted to hear out of all of this... I was right. The website is completely wrong. The game definitely does not have the capability to play online with three other players. The website will be changed immediately. /sigh sweet release... Bruce said that he would be willing to refund the full purchase price of the game or swap the game out for one of the other Nintendo titles of my choosing. I told him I would think about it and he gave me his call back number. After discussing with Ian, we decided to keep the game... it could be fun to play on our visits... So, I returned Bruce's call and left him a message saying thanks, we are going to keep the game but the point was really just to get the website changed. And it was...
It's not completely changed... but at least it doesn't insinuate as much that you can play online with other people. A little while after I left my message, Bruce left me one saying that he still wanted to thank me for bringing this to Nintendo's attention. I will now be getting a copy of Super Smash Bros. Brawl Official Strategy Guide. It's making me want to get a Wii.
So, alls well that ends well. I am officially included in the Internet Think I Know It All Club. I'm really just happy it was changed.
Anyway, it's the weekend. For some reason I miss Ian more than ever on the weekends. The weekends are probably how it is when I visit... we go to the movies... look at bunnehs... eat out... /sigh I will keep dreaming... and working towards that.
Anyway, it's the weekend. For some reason I miss Ian more than ever on the weekends. The weekends are probably how it is when I visit... we go to the movies... look at bunnehs... eat out... /sigh I will keep dreaming... and working towards that.
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