Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday Newsday

For some odd reason, a vendor that I was supposed to meet with last week cancelled on me due to an emergency. He rescheduled for today and a contact at the company called me this morning and said he has another emergency and can't make it. So odd. Anyway...

I love Hannelore's shirt in the newest Questionable Content. I've been to Canada. Barenaked Ladies remind me of Canada. =]

From the "Oh, Please" File of Ridiculous Lawsuits - Wii Fit Target of Class Action Lawsuits.

Amanda Rae has put up some new pictures. It was a post wedding "trash the dress" session. These seem to be more and more popular. I don't know what my opinion is... I don't think I could do it.

I watched Obama's press conference last night. He said pretty much what I expected him to say. He is right to point out that he inherited this situation... things need to change... and they need to change now. We'll see... Oh and this "news" article is just plain stupid.

I want an actual Sackboy! And I still want these dishes. /sniffle

O.M.G. - "Get your immune system ready. Digital dysentery will be on the rise soon".

I'm going to work on getting my mom out to visit in the fall this year. I really want to take her on the Fall Colors Train Tour. Many people at work have recommended it and I think it would be a lot of fun.

I like him only because he can beat Federer. Nadal Shows Off His Brand New Baby.

Tomorrow I'm going to be working from home as my auto insurance runs out today. (Don't ask - it's a really long story). Maybe I will stay sane even if my Firefox browser crashes a million times because of Vista.

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