Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Post-It Note Project

Today is Ian's birthday. When Ian first came down from Canada to visit he left a Post-It note on my monitor that said I love you. Little did he know I left a note in his passport that said the same thing. So, one day last week I came into work early to upload some documents that take forever to upload... while they were going, I started doodling and thus was born "The Post-It Note Project".

Set #1 of 5 million.

His monitor was the first to get filled... He is on it every morning...

Next his closet... inside I picked out a few outfits for him.

Even the TV wasn't safe...

Eighteen different ways to say Happy Birthday!

This says "Oh so you are going to work eh? Well have a good day!"

In lieu of actual singing...

This is our story in Post-It form.

There are many others... I hope he finds them all~ I still need to cover his nightstand and the mirror in the bathroom. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IAN!


Megan said...

You are so cute!

Amanda Rae said...

OMG that's a lot of post-its! Happy Birthday Ian!

Kamber said...

I hear there is a shortage of Post Its in Canada!

Anonymous said...

That's adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh I need to think of something creative for my bf's bday coming up!!