Monday, August 24, 2009

My Very Bad Thing

Happy Birthday to me... Happy Birthday to me... On Sunday, Ian and I went with his parents to Costco. As those of you who read this may know, Costco is the 7th circle of hell. It is a place where money goes to die. Our total spent for this trip: $606. How on earth did we manage to spend that much? Very easily... I've been wanting a netbook for a long time. What is a netbook? Basically, a very small computer. It has a 10 inch screen. It weighs about 3 or 4 lbs and is about 1 inches tall. This means of course that it has no cd drive. Why would I want something so small? I like to sit on the couch and flip through the news... or write an email. I have a gigantic IBM laptop that Erik had given me. It's huge (I've dropped it a few times trying to hold it in one hand...) and gives me a bunch of errors because it doesn't like Vista on it. This will be really nice to travel with as well. There are many reasons... but anyway... it was the lowest price I had seen at Costco. Most I've seen are $450 or more. This was, if I remember correctly, $339.99 - Happy Birthday to me! (The other portion of the $606 was spent on stuff we really did need... chicken, shampoo, scissors, etc.)

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

My BF wants a netbook.... How do you like it? Is it handy? not so much?