Friday, August 14, 2009

So Many Dance Shows On

Ian and I are little behind the times with watching the finale. But I am sooooooo happy that Jeanine won. She was my favorite dancer. Here are my favorite dances of hers... plus one more that I really liked. There were too many good ones to post... this is just a small selection.

This one is not of Jeanine... but I loved it!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Oh boy we were SOOO behind as well--- it's hard when they are 2 hour shows in the middle of the week and your working! Geesh! I think we ended up 2.5 weeks behind! I'm glad about Jeanine. Jason was growing on me by the end but didnt make it all the way. Also Janette was growing on me and Ohh the blond girl.