Monday, October 12, 2009

The Registry Conundrum

I've been getting a lot of questions about our wedding registry. I figured that with having a small wedding (parents and siblings only) there really wouldn't be a need for one. But a lot of friends and family have asked about it. The pickle that I'm in... is the fact that I live in Canada. I can't set up a registry on a US website to ship to my Canadian address. Even then, if a person in Canada wanted to purchase something, they wouldn't be able to use their billing addresses. It's the same issue with using a Canadian website. I've checked most of the stores like Pottery Barn, Williams Sonoma, etc. But that's not the whole problem.

To be honest, we really don't need much. We have purchased most of what we need because I moved here with mainly just clothes. Soon after I arrived, we moved into a big 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. We have everything we would need. Most of the stuff that I could put on a registry would be labeled "nice to have". Like hurricane candle holders and items to outfit my future retro-ish kitchen. We are saving for a house and that's going to be our next big purchase.

So that's the little issue I'm dealing with. I think it's a bit tacky to ask for money. Our wedding annoucement will mostly just say "Feel free to send your best wishes". I don't know.


Amanda Rae said...

That is quite a conundrum. Glad my gift is already covered!!

Anonymous said...

Wow I didnt even think about that!