Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dwelling Decisions

Today we're going to look at the model homes for Losani. Hopefully we like what we see. Buying a new house is probably a bad choice for us. We hate making decisions... I personally second guess myself all the time. It's hard enough trying to pick a model much less than picking a lot and all of the upgrades to put in it.

The problem is that there are SO many choices for models. There are 11 32' lots and 16 40' lots. We've narrowed down... shuffled the papers and narrowed down again... We were originally looking at this modest house - The Juniper. But... we are so far from The Juniper now that I can't even imagine living in it. Here are our narrowed down choices:

It's really between the Cedarwood and the Willow... but I threw in the Carousel to satisfy Ian. He likes how weird it is.

My sister and her husband picked out the Willow. It has substantially grown on us. (And no Derek... we can't afford the Mulberry... why did you even put that on your list!?) My dream would be to have the Cedarwood be a 40' lot. Then no question... that is the one we buy. If you go here you can see the rest of the site... look at the different elevations for each house. For the Willow... Ian wants elevation A and I want B. Of course, B is more expensive. BOO.

I am going to put up a little poll on the side of this page. Feel free to vote for your favorite ones - you can choose 'other' if you find a different plan on the Doon Creek site that you like. Just leave me a comment on this post. If you are reading this on Facebook, click on View Original Post at the bottom to be taken to the actual site. Everyone's opinion is appreciated. :)

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I really looked long and hard since we just bought our home. The things that I liked about the Willow that the others didnt have... that really stuck out to me were the fact that there was a spare bedroom on the second floor for the guests. THe option was there on a few but the full W/D room is very valuable. Also, the willow appeared to have more useable rooms. AKA rooms you can alter the way you want. So you could do a office in the "library" instead of take over a spare bedroom. you would have a formal dining room with Willow (adds value). IMHO. Good luck Brit! This is so exciting for you guys. Either of your choices you cant go wrong. THe one think I would suggest is find one on the end if you can. :p