Sunday, July 11, 2010

Aunt B & GMa's Big Adventure

My mom and I ventured to Virginia for Canada Day/Fourth of July. Unfortunately, Ian couldn't make it due to his work schedule. But then he got a fancy illness and it was better that he couldn't come. We arrived to perfect weather that thankfully lasted the whole time.

Max hanging with Grandma or GMa as she is sometimes known.

We went to a farm and got to walk around in the "contact area". Here is Cooper... he was standing amongst the goats!

And this is the baby goat that wouldn't leave me alone. Seriously, he kept walking under my skirt... licking my leg... hmm... maybe that's how I got the rash...? He was mighty cute though.

Here is the rest of the pictures from the trip. Can't wait to see everyone on Labor Day weekend... Uncle "I" gets to come this time!

As you can see, I have started a Shutterfly site... I reviewed my options for slideshow widgets and this seems to be the best one. Take a look at our site here: Zebraloudsounds Snapshots.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...


Love goat pictures.. .and that is SO funny that it kept sneeking a peek.