Thursday, December 30, 2010

Entertainment Center Conundrum

Ian and I took advantage of an outrageous Boxing Day sale to get the receiver for the house. I was sitting in the living room one morning looking at the box. All of a sudden it dawned on me that the receiver is HUGE... and there is no chance that it will fit in our current entertainment center set up. This is the current drawing of it:

The fireplace sticks out 28". The shelves and cabinet are going to be flush together at about 14". Our receiver is 17". So obviously we need to think about a slight adjustment. There are a couple ways to do it... I am looking for opinions! This is the current profile of the built-in:

Yes, my drawing is awesome. Anyway, the line labeled "shelves" is actually the shelves and the cabinets, flush together.

This is our first option. We can just extend both the shelves and the cabinets below a little more and the fireplace won't stick out as much. My little issue with this is that the shelves will become much deeper and be a little harder to fill/organize/look nice.

Our second option is to only extend out the cabinets. It's pretty funny.. but in my head this is how I thought the unit would look. I guess I never realized that the shelves and the cabinets were flush. I think I like this option the best. The downside to this is that it might look weird with the fireplace. I don't know. Hence why I need opinions. =P


Kamber said...

I would extend the shelves and bring the fireplace out too. You won't have any problems decorating it and now larger photo frames can be used.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kamber, you can always find larger artwork, shadowboxes, etc... if you need/want to. I know it's not idea, but it's great your thinking of this now.

Alicia said...

I was thinking along the lines of Kamber as well; but otherwise I'd bring all the shelves out to be flush.. there's just something odd looking about having only the bottom shelf come out..