Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's officially 2011. I'm officially happy about that. 2010 was an interesting year for sure. First year of marriage. Bought a house. Got my PMP certification. Got to see my mom every quarter. Succeeded in throwing my sister a surprise party. Went to Disneyland. Missed Erik a ton. Helped throw a very awesome Pirate Party - arrrr! Had a very nice honeymoon in Seattle. Successfully surprised Ian with a mini-vacation. Didn't get too terribly sick this year. Got to see two of the cutest nephews in the world - Cooper and Max and my sister and her husband. Survived the Boss From Hell.

I am looking forward to 2011 mainly because there is some good stuff happening! One year anniversary. Ian turns 25 and I stop feeling so old. =P I have a couple new trail books for our area. I am interested in exploring where I live a bit more than the few square miles I know. Work is becoming decent again. I think I will start to enjoy it once more. And, of course, our house will be finished. It is a source of both great stress and great pride. But it will be worth it. It is not as easy as we were thinking it was going to be. Eventually I will become a permanent resident in this country and I can feel settled a bit. One day I can begin the process of officially shedding the Hensley name and legally become Brittany Matheson. All in good time. =]

I don't normally make resolutions. Sometimes I make silly ones though... For instance, in 2011 I am going to finish posting and presenting all of our wedding photos. There are just so many that it's a bit overwhelming. I really want to be prepared for the move when it happens in July. We have the exact date that we will be moving so it to be fairly well planned. I am already making lists of lists I need to make. The PMP side of me is kicking in.

All I really want for 2011 is for the Matheson, Gates and Petty families to be safe, happy and healthy this year. And for The Willow to be completed... =P (our house).


Kamber said...

You forgot Max was bown...:)~ Hehe

Anonymous said...

Your house is a house now!

Unknown said...

Yeah........ pretty crazy =P

Anonymous said...

What an awesome year 2010 was! I bet 2011 will be even better!

I havent legally changed my name either, sigh. Maybe 2011 will be the year of the name changes.