Monday, January 3, 2011

Last Day Off

Today is sadly my last day off. Ian had to go back to work... I am spending my day packing a bit - mostly Christmas stuff but regular items are making it into boxes too. Here's my stack so far. Gotta love Grand & Toy paper boxes...

The PMP side of me gets to kick in a bit and organize everything. I've already made a list of lists I need to make. I've started a tracking spreadsheet for the contents of each box. I really want the move to be easy but, as most people say, they never are. Ian and I had a freak out this weekend about our apartment. It's really filled to the brim with STUFF. It's pretty bad when you've got Ian wanting to organize everything and me wanting to just throw everything away. Here's my map of the house that I have numbered. Each box gets a room number and then a sequential number. FUN!


Anonymous said...

Love the organization!

Alicia said...

and I thought I was anal lmao. We seriously were meant to be friends. It's sort of scary.

Kamber said...

Ummmm....we might need to intervene.