Friday, February 27, 2015

Christmas With My Family

It's never too late to write about how Christmas went, is it? :) Before my family came up, my mom shipped gifts to us ahead of time. Ian passed on his "psycho elf" trait to Emma. She made sure we didn't open the boxes without getting confirmation from G-Ma. :P

When G-Ma arrived, Emma and I surprised her at the airport. (I'll skip over the part where Emma and I spent 3+ hours wandering around the arrivals section while G-Ma's plane was delayed!)

Lots of gifts! Santa was good to us this year... the boys were excited. :) 

I made Rice Krispies. Multiple times. There was controversy with the first batch as I added vanilla - apparently not ok with some people. So... because my family is.. my family.. We did a taste test! One batch had vanilla.. one did not. Hey guess what? THE ONE WITH VANILLA WON!!! 

Max helping Uncle Ian play his game.

Speaking of Max... I wonder if this is the reason the Seahawks lost..... :\

We visited the Moose (Moose Winooski's). Cooper tried on the hat!

I couldn't pick just one.. so here are 3 very cute pictures of Emma.

There are more pictures but unfortunately I didn't get them from my sister yet. Christmas 2015 is in Virginia. Can't wait! 

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