Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gray Vs. Red, Old Vs. New

On the right... our first choice.. Gray brick with a light gray stone skirt. On the left... our new choice.. Red brick with a gray stone skirt. My apologies for the slightly fuzzy picture. I was trying to take it on the sly while driving through the rain, in the middle of a very muddy street, with construction workers on either side and a bobcat zipping by. The red brick will only be on the first story of our house and the rest is siding and cedar shakes.

Personally, I fell head over heels in love with it when I first saw it on a model house. Ian just about bit my head off when I professed my love since we had already made our decision. That was months ago! (I think... time has flown...) But I think we are going to be really happy with our change. I feel like I've gotten an early Christmas present. I can just picture our house in the fall... Red brick.. black front door... Adirondack chairs on the porch.. piles of pumpkins and hay. Love it!!


Anonymous said...

Adirondack chairs!!!

Great decision on the brick! It is classic and beautiful! Although with both, I dont know if you could have gone wrong...

Alicia said...

Copy Cats!!!! ;P hahah It'll be freakin' awesome!