Sunday, May 1, 2011

State of Our Union - May Edition

It's May. Quick question - Where has the time gone? For me... the time is flying~! For Ian... not so much. It's a day to day battle to keep him from going crazy from impatience. As much as I notice that the time is flying, the anxiety surrounding the house still has its good and bad days for me. I am trying to fill the days while we play the waiting game. Here are some upcoming events...

  • The House Updates: There is a list of items to be fixed or finalized. We've been lucky to have access to the house so far. It's starting to feel very familiar.

  • Red Sox Game: On May 11th Ian and I are going to see a Jays vs. Sox game to celebrate his birthday. I found some cheap tickets and it should be fun!

  • Ian's Birthday: He turns the big 2-5 on the 12th. But there is a bit of a hiccup. See next item...

  • Ian's California/Vegas Trip: The hiccup is that the evening of his birthday he is flying to California for a work meeting. I would normally feel bad for him but afterwards he gets to go to Vegas as a sort of... "corporate retreat". Naturally he isn't looking forward to it and I'm jealous. Like I said... "they need to include spouses who miss their mommies".

  • Springtime!: I'm still excited for spring. It seems to be getting warmer and once Ian is back I'm hoping to hit up some of these - Grand River Trails. Maybe even get in some Geocaching!

So that's it.. the month of May. Let's hope that it goes quickly!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Yeay! So many exciting things going on!! Hope you guys can keep up on with it all!!

SOOOOO anxious for the house to be official!!!