Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fall Props

This will not come as a surprise... but the Fall season makes me ridiculously happy. The football, leaves changing, cold weather, scarves and jackets, pumpkins, hay bales... just thinking about it makes me SO excited. Ian gets excited except for one part... "Birthday Alley" or "Birthday Gauntlet" as he sometimes refers to it. Duncan in late August, Cooper, GMa, and Maureen in September, Drew and I in October.

What's up on our agenda for this season? Patio furniture comes mid to late September... same with the Lodge Bed. Clearly a lot of birthdays. I turn 30 in October so my family is coming up to the Great White  Colorful North. Ian and I are taking a long weekend here. We might take a day trip up to Goderich on Lake Huron in the next few weeks - apparently they label themselves as "Canada's prettiest town"... all I know is that Maureen and Duncan rave about their donuts or some such thing. The town was hit by an F3 tornado last year causing around $100 million in damage and they are still cleaning up. The least we can do is go buy some donuts. :P

Anyway, I'm forcing it to be Fall now even though some would say it is still summer. Fall wreath is on the front door, mums are in the planters.. I even bought a tiny pumpkin for the table in the dinette. :] Happy Fall!

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